Fanuc CNC Custom Macros

For more than twenty five years, control systems for CNC machines have been designed with many more features than necessary just to process a manually written part program. A whole group of conver sa tional pro gram ming sys tems has been of fered by several control manu facturers for many years. From the original Fanuc FAPT system to the modern on-machine program ming avail able from com pa nies such as Mazak and their Mazatrol system, this method has proven very suc cess ful for CNC lathes, and to a smaller degree, to CNC milling systems as well. 

This hand book has been de vel oped as a re source ma te rial for CNC pro gram ming at its high est
level, us ing Fanuc and com pat i ble Com puter Nu mer i cal Con trol sys tems (CNC sys tems). Tech
niques de scribed in the hand book are still part of the man ual pro gram ming pro cess, in the sense
that no ex ter nal CAD/CAM soft ware or hard ware is re quired. Al though the main topic of this
hand book is ap pli ca tion of Fanuc Cus tom Mac ros in CNC pro gram ming (known as Fanuc Custom
Macro B), sev eral re lated top ics have been added, mainly for co her ence and com par i son, but
mainly as a re fresher of some ba sic CNC pro gram ming skills re quired as a pre req ui site.
The sub ject mat ters deal with sev eral ma jor top ics, and the hand book is or ga nized in the sug
gested or der of learn ing. More ex pe ri enced us ers can start at any sec tion within the hand book:
o General Introduction
o Review of G-codes and M-codes
o Review of subprograms
o System parameters
o Data setting
o Custom macros
o Probing applications
Numerous exam ples and sam ple programs are used through out the hand book. Their purpose is
to serve not only as prac ti cal ap pli ca tions of the tech niques ex plained, but - for many of them - as
the ba sis for ready-to-run macro programs.
Al though all the top ics cov ered in the hand book are critical, they are discussed here for the sin
gle pur pose of learn ing one sub ject, com monly known as Cus tom Macros, User Macros, Fanuc
Macros, Macro B, or - just Macros. Several non-Fanuc controls also of fer their version of mac
ros, for ex am ple Fadal and Okuma, but only Fanuc macros are covered in this hand book.
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