Wind Energy Engineering is an outcome of our earlier book, Future Energy,improved, sustainable and clean options for our planet, 2nd edition (Elsevier2014). It was felt that the wind turbine industry was developing so rapidly that it was now necessary to compile a collection of wind energy related topics into one volume.
The use of renewable energy sources such as wind and sun for electricity generation is becoming commonplace in our society as we move away from fossil fuels to more sustainable forms of energy, free from carbon dioxide production. The move cannot come quickly enough as each month we hear that the previous month was the hottest month since records began and that CO2 levels are increasing every year and have now passed the 400 ppm level.
Our book gives an all-round view of wind energy with a special focus on technical issues surrounding wind turbines. The 26 chapters are divided into the following seven sections: Introduction; Wind Resource and Wind Energy Worldwide; Wind Turbine Technology; Generation of Electricity;Environmental Impacts of Wind Energy; Financial Modeling/Wind Economics; Investment, Growth Trends, and the Future of Wind Energy. In more detail the book includes chapters on the following areas:
● Scientific aspects (basic theory of wind energy, global potential for producing electricity from wind);
● Wind energy in China and in Germany to give a flavor of developments in two leading wind energy countries;
● The history of wind power;
● Engineering aspects that include the design of different types of wind tur�bines, basic technologies and problems, and reliability of wind turbines;
● Electricity generation including integration into national grids, small�scale turbines, and the storing of excess electricity;
● Environmental aspects including life cycle investigation, landscape, and safety issues;
● Economics of wind power generation;
● Growth trends and the projected future of wind power.
It is hoped that the book will act as a springboard for new developments and perhaps lead to synergistic advances by linking ideas from different chapters. Another way that this book can help in expanding and developing the wind industry is through contact between readers and authors and to this effect email addresses of the authors have been included.
This volume is unique in the genre of books of related interests in tha teach chapter of Wind Energy Engineering has been written by an expert sci�entist or engineer, working in the field. Authors have been chosen for their expertise in their respective fields and come from 12 countries: Australia,Belgium, China, Denmark, Germany, Hong Kong, Finland, India, Russia,South Africa, United Kingdom, and the United States. Most of the authors come from developed countries as most of the research and development in this relatively new field, is based in these countries. However, we look for�ward to the future when new approaches to wind energy, focusing on local conditions in emerging countries, are developed by scientists and engineers working in those countries. Perhaps this new book will aid in this endeavor.
The chapters in this book can be considered as snapshots, taken in 2016,of the state of this rapidly developing industry. Like Future Energy, one can expect an updated version of Wind Energy Engineering in a few years’ time.Wind Energy Engineering goes hand in hand with two other books we have recently published: Climate Change: Observed Impacts on Planet Earth, 2ndedition, (Elsevier 2015); and Storing Energy: with Special Reference to Renewable Energy Sources, (Elsevier, 2016).