Testing Procedure for Transmission System Protection Schemes Volume - 2

Testing Procedure for Transmission System Protection Schemes

Transmission systems are the backbone of electrical power networks, responsible for transferring large quantities of electricity over long distances. Given their critical role, robust protection schemes are essential to ensure the reliability, stability, and safety of the transmission network. The protection schemes involve a combination of protective relays, circuit breakers, current transformers (CTs), voltage transformers (VTs), and communication equipment. A systematic testing procedure is necessary to verify the functionality and coordination of these components.

Purpose of Testing Transmission System Protection Schemes

The main objectives of testing transmission system protection schemes are:

  • To ensure correct operation and coordination of protective devices during fault conditions.
  • To verify the settings and logic of protective relays against the protection coordination study.
  • To confirm the integrity of CTs, VTs, and communication systems used in the protection schemes.
  • To ensure compliance with industry standards (IEC, IEEE) and utility-specific requirements.

Scope of Testing

This testing procedure covers the following protection schemes commonly used in transmission systems:

  • Distance Protection
  • Differential Protection
  • Overcurrent and Earth Fault Protection
  • Breaker Failure Protection
  • Busbar Protection
  • Underfrequency and Undervoltage Protection
  • Out-of-Step (Loss of Synchronism) Protection
  • Communication-Assisted Schemes (e.g., Permissive, Blocking, and Transfer Trip Schemes)

Testing Methodology

The testing procedure consists of several key stages, including visual inspections, primary and secondary injection tests, relay setting verification, functional tests, and system integration tests.

1. Pre-Testing Preparations

Safety Measures

  • Conduct a risk assessment and implement safety protocols.
  • Ensure all test personnel are equipped with appropriate PPE (e.g., insulated gloves, safety shoes).
  • Verify the isolation of the circuit under test using lockout/tagout (LOTO) procedures.
  • Confirm communication with the control room to coordinate testing activities.

Review of Protection Settings

  • Obtain and review the protection settings from the relay setting sheets and coordination study.
  • Verify that relay settings (e.g., time delays, pickup values) align with the design specifications.

2. Visual Inspection and Preliminary Checks

  • Inspect protective relays, CTs, VTs, and associated wiring for any physical damage or loose connections.
  • Verify the relay type, model, and firmware version to ensure it matches the specified requirements.
  • Check the calibration status of test equipment (e.g., current injection sets, voltmeters, oscilloscopes).

3. Primary Injection Testing

Primary injection testing involves applying current directly to the primary side of the CTs to simulate real fault conditions. This test helps verify the accuracy of CTs, wiring, and relay performance under actual current conditions.


  • Isolate the section of the transmission line where the CTs are connected.
  • Connect a primary injection test set to the primary side of the CT.
  • Gradually increase the current to simulate fault conditions (e.g., 1x, 2x, 5x the rated current).
  • Observe the relay response and ensure it operates correctly based on the injected current.
  • Verify that the relay trips the circuit breaker at the correct fault current level and within the expected time.

4. Secondary Injection Testing

Secondary injection testing involves injecting signals directly into the relay’s input terminals to simulate fault conditions without energizing the primary circuit. This test focuses on verifying the relay's settings, logic, and tripping functionality.


  • Connect a secondary injection test set to the protective relay's current and voltage inputs.
  • Inject current and voltage signals corresponding to various fault scenarios (e.g., phase-to-phase, phase-to-ground).
  • Check the relay's response to ensure it detects faults and issues trip signals correctly.
  • Verify that the time delay and pickup settings match the values specified in the coordination study.
  • Record test results and compare them against the expected values.

5. Functional Testing of Protection Schemes

Distance Protection Testing:

  • Testing Zones: Verify the relay's response to faults in different protection zones (Zone 1, Zone 2, and Zone 3).
  • Impedance Testing: Inject simulated fault impedance values using the test set to check the relay's reach settings for each zone.
  • Load Encroachment: Test the relay's ability to distinguish between load conditions and actual faults, preventing unnecessary trips.

Differential Protection Testing:

  • Stability Test: Inject identical currents into both CT inputs of the differential relay to simulate normal load conditions. The relay should not operate.
  • Sensitivity Test: Apply different currents to the CT inputs to simulate an internal fault. The relay should detect the difference and issue a trip signal.
  • Through Fault Testing: Simulate external faults to ensure the relay remains stable and does not trip unnecessarily.

Overcurrent and Earth Fault Protection Testing:

  • Inject varying levels of current to verify the pickup and time-delay settings of the overcurrent and earth fault relays.
  • Test instantaneous and time-delayed elements to ensure correct tripping at their respective thresholds.

Breaker Failure Protection Testing:

  • Simulate a fault and trigger the breaker failure relay by delaying or preventing the circuit breaker operation.
  • Verify that the relay initiates a backup trip to clear the fault using adjacent breakers.

Busbar Protection Testing:

  • Inject currents into different feeders to simulate internal and external faults.
  • Verify the relay’s ability to differentiate between internal bus faults and external feeder faults.

6. Testing of Communication-Assisted Protection Schemes

Communication-assisted schemes enhance the speed and selectivity of protection systems by utilizing high-speed communication channels between relays. The most common schemes include:

  • Permissive Overreach Transfer Trip (POTT)
  • Directional Comparison Blocking (DCB)
  • Direct Transfer Trip (DTT)


  • Test the communication link between relays (e.g., fiber optics, power line carrier, or microwave).
  • Simulate faults at various locations along the line and verify the relay's response based on the communication scheme logic.
  • Check the time delay and coordination to ensure fast and accurate fault clearance.

7. End-to-End Testing

End-to-end testing involves simulating faults at different points along the transmission line to verify the overall performance of the protection scheme. This test typically requires coordination between multiple substations.


  • Coordinate with remote substation teams to inject test signals simultaneously at both ends of the transmission line.
  • Simulate different types of faults (e.g., single-phase, double-phase, three-phase faults) and verify the response of protection relays at both ends.
  • Record the time of fault detection, relay operation, and breaker tripping to ensure synchronization and coordination.

8. Documentation and Reporting

  • Record all test results, including relay settings, measured values, and observations.
  • Compare the test results with design specifications and expected performance criteria.
  • Prepare a detailed test report, including recommendations for any adjustments or corrective actions needed.
  • Obtain client and utility approvals for all test results before finalizing the commissioning process.


Testing the transmission system protection schemes is critical for ensuring the safety, reliability, and stability of the power network. By following this structured testing procedure, engineers can identify and rectify potential issues before the system is energized, reducing the risk of malfunctions and improving overall network performance. Additionally, adherence to industry standards and guidelines ensures compliance and enhances the protection scheme's effectiveness in safeguarding the transmission infrastructure against faults.

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