What are the General Duties & Responsibilities of GSS In-charge


This manual has been prepared to help the GSS / Shift Incharge to perform their duties which primarily involve operation and maintenance of Grid Sub-Stations and the EHV Transmission lines associated with the GSS. The GSS / Shift incharge are expected to go through the manual and follow it. Based on their experience they can always send suggestions which can be incorporated in the manual from time to time.  The main duties and responsibilities of a shift engineer/ In-charge are explained below: 

1.1.1 Whenever an engineer is posted for the first time in an EHV GSS duty, he should be given some time to go through the operation and maintenance instructions of the GSS specially safety instructions and knowledge of the safety equipments and other equipments like circuit breaker, transformer, DC system etc. 

 1.1.2 SHIFT INCHARGE: The Shift In-charge should be trained by the In-charge of sub-station, so that they learn thoroughly about the above item and are in a position to prevent, as far as possible, any outages of supply, break down of plants and equipments, and to restore service quickly and correctly in the event of occurrence of such outages or break downs. The Shift Engineer should be trained in such a way that his conceptions are quite clear and that he may carryout operations calmly and quickly in sudden emergencies without loosing patience, i.e. he should be quite confident of the operation which he is going to initiate. The Executive Engineers, during their periodical inspections, should examine the shift in-charge to ensure that they are well trained and fit to take independent charge of the station. The Superintending Engineers and Executive Engineers should periodically conduct mock drills for firefighting and break down and also hold safety classes. All the workers and operators should also be conversant with the safety regulations to be followed in the handling and operation of plants and equipments in their charge.  


The Shift In-charge should be trained by the In-charge of sub-station, so that they learn 
thoroughly about the above item and are in a position to prevent, as far as possible, any 
outages of supply, break down of plants and equipments, and to restore service quickly and  correctly in the event of occurrence of such outages or break downs. The Shift Engineer  should be trained in such a way that his conceptions are quite clear and that he may carryout  operations calmly and quickly in sudden emergencies without loosing patience, i.e. he should  be quite confident of the operation which he is going to initiate. The Executive Engineers,  during their periodical inspections, should examine the shift in-charge to ensure that they are  well trained and fit to take independent charge of the station. The Superintending Engineers  and Executive Engineers should periodically conduct mock drills for firefighting and break  down and also hold safety classes. All the workers and operators should also be conversant 
with the safety regulations to be followed in the handling and operation of plants and 
equipments in their charge. 

A)General important instructions for GSS / shift In-charge. 

i.First of all the in-charge has to get him well acquainted with the technical details of 
each and every equipment which he is supposed to operate and maintain.

a)The detailed electrical lay out and wiring of the Station, equipment and the operating 
facilities of the system to which the station can be connected. 

b)The operation & working of the machinery and equipment in the station.

c)The limitation with regard to load, voltage etc., and the equipments under his charge.
d)Approved instructions for routine and emergency operations. 

ii)The In-charge should thoroughly go through the safety instructions 

iii)The In-charge should see that all the safety equipments/ items/ devices are available
and are in proper working condition.

iv) GSS In-charge should ensure that the relevant drawings and technical literature of all
the equipments installed are readily available in the control room and are kept in a
safe custody of maintenance Incharge. Proper record of these items should be kept.

v)No book/ literature/drawing should be allowed to be taken away by any non
concerned person outside the GSS. AT the same time a literature and drawing should
be made available to the shift staff and maintenance staff so that they can study and
update their knowledge.

vi)The In-charge should see that following items are maintained in perfect working

a)Security system.

b)Fire fighting system

c)Communication system

d)Station auxiliary supply and its alternate / standby source which is a life line for the
sub station.

e)DC system

f)Emergency light

B)Items also to be attended:

a)Regular cleaning of switchyard including
 grass and weeds etc.

b)Cleaning of trenches

c)To see that no water logging is there in the trenches and switchyard

d)To keep relay panels/ control panels and trenches inside the control room neat and
clean from insects and reptiles which may damage the wiring.

e)Trench covers and walk ways in the switchyard should be in proper condition to avoid any accident due to open / broken trench covers and walk ways especially during

f)The entry point of control cables from switchyard to the control room should
normally be kept sealed so that animals, reptiles etc. may not enter inside the control
room through the cable trenches.

g)Switchyard lighting should be well maintained.

h)The Marshalling Kiosks, CT &PT junction boxes, Buchholz relay & OSR Relay
should be covered with polythene sheet during rainy season.

C)The GSS In-charge must see that the following items of basic human needs are made available and are maintained properly in the GSS for the shift staff. For this, concept
of house keeping has to be honestly adopted in which facilities for drinking water, for
preparing tea, coffee etc.,Ladies Wash room and proper sanitation should be available
so that the shift staff can do their duties with sincerity.

Grass lawn, flower plants and flower pots should be maintained In front of the control
room building.


The shift Engineer in a sub station is responsible for:

A)Operation of sub station equipment under their charge efficiently and economically in
accordance with the power demand, statutory instructions regulation of voltage and
frequency. They will be responsible for:

i)Maintenance of continuity of supply under both normal and abnormal conditions of

ii)Correct logging of:

a)Loads, Voltage, Currents, Temperature, etc. of equipments.

b)Interruptions, breakdowns and other occurrences.

c)Operation carried out under normal and abnormal conditions.

iii)Reporting of break downs of equipments, failure of supply, accident and other serious
occurrences immediately to the concerned Superior Officer who will report to his
higher authorities with the position after leaving a guide line to the Shift Engineer in
connection with the action to be taken at his level or after obtaining the instructions
from his Supervisors. This all will base on the seriousness of the position.

iv)Issue of permits to work (PTW) on station equipments and lines emanating from the
sub-station, after completely isolating, discharging and grounding the concerned
equipments and line effectively.

v)Checking up of equipments &lines after return of permits and satisfying that the
equipments &line are clear of men, materials and ground before energizing them or
ready for charging.

vi)Testing of Battery circuits.

vii)Checking up the fuses of trip and alarm circuits.

viii) Safe custody of keys for the various switches, isolators, cubicles etc. 

ix)Maintaining the rubber gloves, operating rods, and discharge & grounding rods, etc.
in good condition.

x)Cleaning of the switch boards, telephones and panels.

xi)Preparation of daily reports for submission to the Superior Officers.

xii)Receipt and transmission of telephone messages correctly and without delay.


i.Breakdown of Extra High Voltage equipments (Rated 66 KV and above) should be
reported as per grid code, to the LD Control Room, CE / Add. CE / Dy. CE,concerned M&P AEN / XEN over Phone / Mobile / e-mail depending upon the seriousness of the case (As decided by the SE) irrespective of its effect on supply.

This report should be followed by detailed report.

ii.Breakdown on H.V. equipment of voltage up to 33 kV and interruptions exceeding 15
minute should be reported immediately to the Superintending Engineer , Executive
Engineer and those exceeding one hour to the Chief Engineer concerned, followed by
a detailed report.

iii.The detailed report should indicate the following:

a.The details of occurrences and operations in brief.

b.Action taken to restore supply and rectify defects or damages.

c.Duration of interruption and if duration is excessive, the reasons thereof.

d.The cause for the trouble and remedial measures, if any, proposed to be taken.

e.The areas affected indicating the name of feeders consisting of Relay
flags/indications/fault record

iv.Copies of the detailed reports should be sent to the Superintending Engineer
concerned for study and suggestion of any remedial measures or for taking up the case
with the supplier, if deemed proper.



1.2.1 The instructions for safe working on equipments detailed in the “Safety code” should be strictly followed by the staff engaged on the job of operation and maintenance to avoid any sort of mishap.
Hazard in respect of electrical equipments may be due to:

a)Insulation failures.


Hazards in operation arise mainly due to:

a)Non observance of the instructions regarding safety precautions to be taken while
working on/ or near electrical installations and equipments and,

b)Over confidence and carelessness on the part of the operating staff.

1.2.2 Some of the more important measures to be adopted to guard against hazards to equipment and in operation are detailed as under:


i)Complete isolation, discharging and effective grounding of the concerned
circuit/equipments before starting work.

ii)Use of rubber gloves/gantlets, while operating switches/links and during discharging and grounding.

iii)Obtaining proper permit to work before commencing work on any line/equipment. If
the operator has to work himself, he should avail selfline clear recording all
operations and then only work. Self line clears should be limited to emergencies only.

iv)Return of the “Permit to work” (by the same person who takes it) after ensuring that
all equipments are free from men, material and ground.

v)Authorization of persons by name to work on particular clause of line/equipment. An
approved list.

vi)Efficient Supervision by a qualified and responsible person while carrying out works
to adjacent energized circuits.

vii)Use of “Safe for Work” boards on equipment declared safe for work.
viii) Locking and hanging “men–on-line” Boards on Switches controlling Circuits declared safe for work.

ix)During shut-down the working area should be marked with Red Ribbon / Rope. While
working on elevated positions, safety belts and ropes should be used. If a ladder is
being used, ensure that it does not fall or reach outside the working area marked with
Red Ribbon / Rope.

Note: Every Communication line on the support carrying a length of high voltage line shall,for the purpose of working there, be deemed to be high voltage line.

b) Hazards to operation staff: Non observance of the instructions regarding safety
precautions by the operating staff may lead to:

i)Coming into contact with live parts of equipments not declared “safe for work”

ii)Fall from elevated position, resulting in injuries due to fall.

1.2.3 Since, a little (even a very little) carelessness/negligence on the part of the worker working on an electrical network may have to pay a very heavy cost resulting in a fatal accident; the instructions for safe working on electrical equipments/lines/systems and prevention of
hazards should be strictly adhered to as the human life is quite precious and the Organization cannot afford losing its valuable employees. It is a must for the field Supervisors/Engineers to put their maximum possible efforts to over come such casualties. The fruitful results would be achieved, in case the staff sent on a particular job to perform is fully trained and meets with the satisfaction of the field Supervisor/Engineer to the effect that the work entrusted to a worker is within his ability/capability.


The following steps should be taken to mitigate damages to equipment or other works when electrical accident occurs.

iAll O&M Staff should know about First Aid.

ii.Supply of cards containing instructions for artificial respiration in English and Hindi
to all sub stations and insistence on their being hung at a conspicuous place as per the
requirements of Indian Electricity Rules, 1956.

i.P.T.W. on equipments should be issued or taken only by the persons who are directly
in-charge of the lines or equipments concerned.

ii.Helpers should work under the guidance of higher category officials only, except in
isolated stations, where selected men may be authorized by name, when necessary,
and considered quite justified by the Executive Engineer on recommendation of the
Assistant Engineer. 
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