Types of Cable Lugs

Types of Cable Lugs

Cable lugs are used for termination or connection of cables to the Terminal Box (TB). There are so many types of cable lugs are available based on the cable size. They are mainly copper and aluminum type. Based on the application of the cables, following types of cable lugs are used for cable termination /connection work.

• Copper Lugs
• Aluminium Lugs
• Bimetallic Lugs
• Ring Type Lugs
• Pin Type lugs
• Fork Type or U type lugs
• Flat Type Lugs

Copper lugs

Copper lugs are mostly used for power draw or grounding in large  gauge applications. The wire can be mended or crimped to every 
copper lug. Subject to the specific type of lug used, one point of the copper lug takes the cable by welding, soldering or crimping. The 
other point of the copper lug is attached to a very end or connection point by a bolt, screw or spring clip.Copper cable lugs provide simple installation and long-lasting authenticity. Pioneer copper lugs are made from high-grade copper material and tinned in order to protect them from corrosion. It is considered a brilliant option for any external application or in a marine environment.

Copper lugs are way better in several ways, however, copper lugs are a little more exorbitant compared to aluminium lugs. Flat-type lugs are largely used in the electrical industry. It can be used for earthing and lighting protection.

Aluminium lugs

Aluminium lugs are made from the solid aluminium rod using high conductivity (99.6 % pure) aluminium. The aluminium lugs
are manufactured from solid and firm material and are apt for external usage due to the palm ends being sealed.

Bimetallic Lugs

Bimetallic Lugs are mostly useful where an aluminum cable has to be terminated by a copper bus bar or copper contact. If Cable Lugs of only copper or aluminum are used , a galvanic action occurs due to dissimilar contact. The use of bimetallic lugs thus ensures a technically sound and durable joint. The Aluminum barrel is friction welded to the copper palm thereby achieving the best
possible transition between barrel & palm.
Our range of Aluminum & Copper Bimetallic Lugs is having following advantages.

1. Material : Conductivity Aluminum Barrel of 60% IACS &
Copper Palm 97% IACS.
2. Final Metal State : Fully Annealed.
3. Jointing Method : Friction Welding 
4. Sizes : 16 Sqmm to 1000 Sqmm

MV Terminations
LV Connections on Bus Bar.

Advantages of bimetallic lugs:

• Safe & low cost both in and use.

• All copper products are electro-tinned to BS standard and  prevents it from corrosion and oxidation.

• PVC insulation is provided to terminals for exceptional di-electric strength & for supporting

• Entry to the wire barrel is shock-proof, or bell
mouthed for faster and easier conductor entry.

Ring Type Lugs

Ring types lugs are most commonly used for cable termination work. The lugs is ring shape and it is used for house and industrial 
wiring of switch boards, MCBs, connection of electrical devices etc. 

The lugs is very reliable and there is lesser chance to remove the lugs from TB due to the ring shape.These type of lugs are used in blot & nuts plotted areas. In MCB, 
MCCB, ACB, OCB and the electrical panel areas we use this type of connectors.

Ring type cable lug sizes: 1, 2.5, 4, 6, 10, 16, 25, 35, 50, 70, 90, 120 (Diameter of the hole is depends on bolt size such as 8 or 10)
Pin Type Lugs

Pin types of lugs are round shape and it is mainly used for industrial purpose for connection of cables to the relays and other 
electrical instrument. It is easy to connect due to I shape. It is generally used in low voltage level for control and indication cables. Pin type cable lug sizes: 1, 2.5, 4, 6, 10, 16, 25, 35, 50, 70, 90, 120

Fork or U Type Lugs

Fork or U types lugs are also commonly used. The lugs are U shape  flat type and is generally used for connection of MCBs, switches 
and other electrical instrument. These type of lugs are used in the  relays, timer, contactor and MCB areas. U type cable lug sizes: 1, 
2.5, 4, 6, 10, 16, 25, 35, 50, 70, 90, 120 Available insulation colors: Red, yellow, blue, black and white.

Flat Type Lugs

Like Pin type of lugs, it is also I shape. Pin type lugs are tube shape and it is flat type. This is also commonly used for low voltage level 
for wiring of control cables.

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